Monors Note





def poker(hands):
    "Return the best hand; poker([hand, ...]) => hand"
    return max(hands, key=hand_rank) # hand_rankを評価基準にして最大値を算出する。

def hand_rank(hand):

Dependency Injection


Dependency Injectionについて自分なりにまとめてみる。 (Dependency Injection コンテントにつていは記述していません。) 修正箇所があれば、Updateをしていく。


Dependency Injection(DI)をWikiで調べてみると…

コンポーネント間の依存関係をプログラムのソースコードから排除し、外部の設定ファイルなどで注入できるようにするソフトウェアパターンである。英語の頭文字からDIと略される。 依存性の注入 - Wikipedia

簡単に言うと、下記の様にクラス内でインスタンス発行(定数など)をせずに、引数として渡しましょうと言っているだけ。 なのに名前が仰々しすぎる…


import random

possible_moves = ['roll', 'hold']
other = {1: 0, 0: 1}
goal = 50

def clueless(state):
    "A strategy that ignores the state and chooses at random from possible moves."
    return random.choice(possible_moves)

def hold(state):
    """Apply the hold action to a state to yield a new state:
    Reap the 'pending' points and it becomes the other player's turn."""
    (p, me, you, pending) = state
    return (other[p], you, me + pending, 0)

def roll(state, d):
    """Apply the roll action to a state (and a die roll d) to yield a new state:
    If d is 1, get 1 point (losing any accumulated 'pending' points),
    and it is the other player's turn. If d > 1, add d to 'pending' points."""
    (p, me, you, pending) = state
    if d == 1:
        return (other[p], you, me + 1, 0)  # pig out; other player's turn
        return (p, me, you, pending + d)  # accumulate die roll in pending

def play_pig(A=clueless, B=clueless):
    """Play a game of pig between two players, represented by their strategies.
    Each time through the main loop we ask the current player for one decision,
    which must be 'hold' or 'roll', and we update the state accordingly.
    When one player's score exceeds the goal, return that player."""
    # your code here
    strategies = [A, B]
    state = (0, 0, 0, 0)

    while True:
        (p, me, you, _) = state
        if me >= goal:
            return strategies[p]
        elif you >= goal:
            return strategies[other[p]]
        elif strategies[p](state) == 'roll':
            state = roll(state, random.randint(1, 6)) #randomが毎回変わるのでテストができない・・・
            state = hold(state)

def always_roll(state):
    return 'roll'

def always_hold(state):
    return 'hold'

DIにする。 変更部分のみを記述。

def dierolls():
    "Generate die rolls."
    while True:
        yield random.randint(1, 6)

def play_pig(A=clueless, B=clueless, die=dierolls()): # generaterは、dierolls()の様に括弧付きでよい。
    """Play a game of pig between two players, represented by their strategies.
    Each time through the main loop we ask the current player for one decision,
    which must be 'hold' or 'roll', and we update the state accordingly.
    When one player's score exceeds the goal, return that player."""
    # your code here
    strategies = [A, B]
    state = (0, 0, 0, 0)

    while True:
        (p, me, you, _) = state
        if me >= goal:
            return strategies[p]
        elif you >= goal:
            return strategies[other[p]]
        elif strategies[p](state) == 'roll':
            state = roll(state, next(die))
            state = hold(state)

Problem set 4-2:More Pour Problem


  • 問題の説明
  • ポイント
  • ソース


PouringProblemの拡張版を今回は作成する。 前回の(PouringProblem)jsakusan.hatenablog.comは、2つの容器を使用した場合で解決方法を探索した。 しかし、今回は容器の数をフレキシブルに変化可能にする。 問題の解説 容器の状態はtupleを用いて、羅列することで表現する。例えば、5個の容器を使用する場合は(0, 0, 0, 0, 2)のように表現する。 探索後、答えは、(state, action ,state2, action, …..)と表現する。具体的には、((0, 0, 0, 0), ('fill', 2), (0, 0, 4, 0)) 関数の引数として、startの状態、endの状態、それぞれ容器のcapacityを与える。


1, 各状態の探索方法


def successors(x, y, X, Y):
    assert x <= X and y <= Y
    return {(0, x + y) if x + y < Y else (x - (Y - y), y + (Y - y)) : 'x => y',
             (x + y, 0) if x + y < X else (x + (X - x), y - (X - x)) : 'x <= y',
             (x, Y): 'fill up y', (X, y): 'Fill up x',
             (0, y): 'empty y', (x, 0): 'empty x'}

x, y(現在の状態)からX, Y(各容器の容量)内での状態遷移をすべて表現することができた。 しかし、今回は任意の個数容器があるので別の実装方法を実現しなければいけない。

今回は、def successors(state)(state => (0, 0, 0, 0, 0))として、listのn番目を異なる状態に変化させる処理を行うことで pour, full, emptyを表現する。


def more_pour_problem(capacities, goal, start=None):

    def is_goal(state): return goal in state

    def more_pour_successors(state):
        indices = range(len(state))
        succ = {}
        for i in indices:
            succ[replace(state, i, capacities[i])] = ('fill', i)
            succ[replace(state, i, 0)] = ('empty', i)

            for j in indices:
                amount = min(state[i], capacities[j] - state[j])
                state2 = replace(state, i, state[i] - amount)
                succ[replace(state2, j, state[j] + amount)] = ('pour', i, j)

        return succ

    if start is None: start = (0,) * len(capacities)
    return shortest_path_search(start, more_pour_successors, is_goal)

def replace(sequence, i, val):
    "Return copy of sequence, with sequence[i] replace by val"
    s = list(sequence)
    s[i] = val
    return type(sequence)(s)

def shortest_path_search(start, successors, is_goal):
    """Find the shortest path from start state to a state
    such that is_goal(state) is true."""
    if is_goal(start):
        return [start]
    explored = set()
    frontier = [[start]]
    while frontier:
        path = frontier.pop(0)
        s = path[-1]
        for (state, action) in successors(s).items():
            if state not in explored:
                path2 = path + [action, state]
                if is_goal(state):
                    return path2
    return Fail

Fail = []

def test_more_pour():
    assert more_pour_problem((1, 2, 4, 8), 4) == [
        (0, 0, 0, 0), ('fill', 2), (0, 0, 4, 0)]
    assert more_pour_problem((1, 2, 4), 3) == [
        (0, 0, 0), ('fill', 2), (0, 0, 4), ('pour', 2, 0), (1, 0, 3)]
    starbucks = (8, 12, 16, 20, 24)
    assert not any(more_pour_problem(starbucks, odd) for odd in (3, 5, 7, 9))
    assert all(more_pour_problem((1, 3, 9, 27), n) for n in range(28))
    assert more_pour_problem((1, 3, 9, 27), 28) == []
    return 'test_more_pour passes'


Lesson4-26:Cleaning Up Mc Problem

引数の値に応じて、関数を指定したい時のコードの書き方の話。 下記の様なコードがあった場合、

def mc_problem(start=(3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0), goal=None):
    if goal == None:
       goal_fn = lambda state: (0, 0, 0) == state[:3]
       goal_fn = lambda state: goal == state


def mc_problem(start=(3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0), goal=None):
    if goal == None:
       def goal_fn(state): return (0, 0, 0) == state[:3]
       def goal_fn(state): return goal == state

Lesson 4- 17: Calculating Costs

下記の定義のようなTupleがあり、最後から2眼目のtotal_costが欲しい。 この場合、一旦変数にいれてやると、可読性が上がる。

tupleの定義 path = [state, (action, total_cost), state, ....]


def path_cost(path)
    if len(path) < 3:
       return 0
       action, total_cost = path[-2]
       return total_cost

Lesson4-4: Pouring Problem



良くありがちな、二つの容器を使用して特定の分量を測定してくださいという問題。 問題を解く方向性としては、探索問題となる。 Imgur


def pour_problem(X, Y, goal, start=(0, 0)):
    X and Y are the capacity oc glasses; (x, y) is current fill levels
    and represents a state. Hte goal is a level that can be in either glass.
    Start at start state and follow successors until we reach the goal.
    Keep track of frontier and previously explored; fail when no frontier
    if goal in start:
        return [start]
    explored = set() # set of states we have visited
    frontier = [[start]] # ordered list of paths we have blazed
    while frontier:
        path = frontier.pop(0)
        (x, y) = path[-1]
        for (state, action) in successors(x, y, X, Y).items():
            if state not in explored: # the successors state has not be explored(don't re-explored)
                path2 = path + [action, state]
                if goal in path2:
                    return path2
    return Fail

Fail = []

def successors(x, y, X, Y):
    assert x <= X and y <= Y
    return {(0, x + y) if x + y < Y else (x - (Y - y), y + (Y - y)) : 'x => y',
             (x + y, 0) if x + y < X else (x + (X - x), y - (X - x)) : 'x <= y',
             (x, Y): 'fill up y', (X, y): 'Fill up x',
             (0, y): 'empty y', (x, 0): 'empty x'}

print(pour_problem(10, 12, (10, 6)))